Wikinews Interlingual Association idea Contact
bewerkenHello. I am a senior user from Chinese Wikinews. I want to strengthen the links between the Wikinews language communities and develop an excellent citizen news platform. Does it include the possibility of setting up a Telegram group to communicate with each other? Original reports or news about different languages, and news reports of news value are published in the group, so that everyone can know and translate each other. I also hope to strengthen contacts with projects in various Wikinews languages for a long time, and even establish a Wikinews Association to help our journalists facilitate the development of our projects, which may include applying for funding from the foundation, writing reports better, including original reporting projects, for public welfare, and better. Let our news agency reporters go to other places to interview, including bonuses, travel expenses, transportation expenses, and meals? In fact, I hope that if these reporting expenses can receive a foundation subsidy, in fact, journalists may focus more on original reporting, and they should do so! I thought it might be better to open a Wikinews Association across languages. I use Chinese as my mother tongue, so there may be some mistakes in English. If you don't understand, you are welcome to communicate, especially in simple English. Thank you very much!
Original reporting is in fact what media organizations should do more, because now many journalists' associations and experts criticize everyone for doing real-time news, and I do real-time news, which results in the lack of room for public attention or news stories that should be reported in depth, so this mentality is unfavorable to the media environment and the public.
Establishing an association to help Wikinews can provide more room for the platform to be upgraded and make it more convenient for our journalists to move. The establishment of associations can further unite the community, hold activities, vigorously develop Wikinews projects, and even launch a series of reports, so that we can no longer have a single report, enhance the credibility of our media from the public, and be more popular.
Wikinews is a very suitable project for cross-language associations, because we are all doing the same thing and reporting around the world. It is one of the purposes of public broadcasting organizations to focus on diversified reports and public interest reports. Kitabc12345 (overleg) 18 jan 2023 14:14 (CET)
Global ban for PlanespotterA320/RespectCE
bewerkenPer the Global bans policy, I'm informing the project of this request for comment: m:Requests for comment/Global ban for PlanespotterA320 (2) about banning a member from your community. Thank you.--Lemonaka (talk) 21:40, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
Your wiki will be in read only soon
bewerkenDit bericht in een andere taal lezen • Help met het vertalen in uw taal
De Wikimedia Foundation gaat het schakelen tussen haar eerste en tweede datacenter testen. Dit zal er voor zorgen dat Wikipedia en andere Wikimedia wiki's zelfs na een ramp beschikbaar blijven. Om er zeker van te zijn dat alles goed werkt, zal de Wikimedia-afdeling Technologie gaan testen of er betrouwbaar tussen de datacentra gewisseld kan worden. Veel teams moeten voorbereid en beschikbaar zijn om enige onverwachte problemen op te lossen.
Al het internetverkeer zal anders verstuurd worden op 1 maart. De test zal beginnen op 14:00 UTC.
Vanwege beperkingen in MediaWiki is het echter wel nodig om de wiki's tijdelijk op alleen-lezen te zetten. We verontschuldigen ons voor deze maatregel, en we zullen proberen om de impact in de toekomst te verminderen.
U zult in staat zijn om artikelen te lezen, maar niet te bewerken voor een korte periode. Dit geldt voor alle wiki's.
- U zult maximaal een uur lang niet in staat zijn bewerkingen te doen op woensdag 1 maart 2023.
- Bij bewerken of opslaan zult u een foutmelding zien. Wij hopen dat er geen bewerkingen verloren gaan, maar hier zijn wij niet zeker van. Wanneer u deze foutmelding ziet, wacht u alstublieft tot alles weer normaal is. Dan kunt u uw bewerking opslaan. Toch raden we het ten zeerste aan dat u een kopie van uw bewerkingen maakt.
Andere effecten:
- Het uitvoeren van achtergrondtaken zal langzamer gaan, en sommige taken kunnen ook worden geannuleerd. Roodgekleurde koppelingen zullen niet zo snel bijgewerkt worden als gebruikelijk. Als u een artikel aanmaakt waar ergens anders al naar verwezen wordt, zal de koppeling langer roodgekleurd blijven dan gebruikelijk. Sommige langlopende scripts zullen moeten worden onderbroken.
- We verwachten dat de uitrol van nieuwe code gebeurt zoals iedere week gebeurt. Het kan echter voorkomen dat codewijzigingen per geval geblokkeerd kunnen worden als de operatie ze later nodig heeft.
- GitLab zal ongeveer 90 minuten onbereikbaar zijn.
Wikimania 2023 Welcoming Program Submissions
bewerkenSeeking volunteers for the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct process
As follow-up to the message about the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines by Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Vice Chair, Shani Evenstein Sigalov, I am reaching out about the next steps. I want to bring your attention to the next stage of the Universal Code of Conduct process, which is forming a building committee for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). I invite community members with experience and deep interest in community health and governance to nominate themselves to be part of the U4C building committee, which needs people who are:
- Community members in good standing
- Knowledgeable about movement community processes, such as, but not limited to, policy drafting, participatory decision making, and application of existing rules and policies on Wikimedia projects
- Aware and appreciative of the diversity of the movement, such as, but not limited to, languages spoken, identity, geography, and project type
- Committed to participate for the entire U4C Building Committee period from mid-May - December 2023
- Comfortable with engaging in difficult, but productive conversations
- Confidently able to communicate in English
The Building Committee shall consist of volunteer community members, affiliate board or staff, and Wikimedia Foundation staff.
The Universal Code of Conduct has been a process strengthened by the skills and knowledge of the community and I look forward to what the U4C Building Committee creates. If you are interested in joining the Building Committee, please either sign up on the Meta-Wiki page, or contact ucocproject by May 12, 2023. Read more on Meta-Wiki.
Best regards,
Selection of the U4C Building Committee
bewerkenThe next stage in the Universal Code of Conduct process is establishing a Building Committee to create the charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). The Building Committee has been selected. Read about the members and the work ahead on Meta-wiki.
-- UCoC Project Team, 27 mei 2023 06:20 (CEST)
Aankondiging nieuwe leden Verkiezingscommissie
Met genoegen kondigen wij de nieuwe leden en adviseurs van de Verkiezingscommissie aan. De Verkiezingscommissie helpt bij het ontwerp en de uitvoering van het proces waarlangs de Gemeenschap en aangeslotenen de leden van het Bestuur van de Wikimedia Foundation kiezen. Na een open kandidaatstellingsprocedure hebben de sterkste kandidaten met het bestuur gesproken en zijn vier van hen gevraagd om in de Verkiezingscommissie zitting te nemen. Vier andere kandidaten zijn gevraagd om als adviseur deel te nemen.
Hartelijk dank aan alle leden van de gemeenschap die hun namen ter overweging hebben voorgelegd. Wij zien er alvast naar uit om binnenkort met de verkiezingscommissie samen te werken.
Namens het Bestuur van de Wikimedia Foundation,
Engelstalige serviceberichten
bewerkenCollega's, Kunnen de Engelstalige serviceberichten die hier in naam van de Wikimedia Foundation worden geplaatst niet ergens anders gepubliceerd worden, zodoende we de redactieruimte uitsluitend kunnen gebruiken voor project-gerelateerde inhoud? Geraldius (overleg) 17 jul 2023 16:01 (CEST)
Deploying the Phonos in-line audio player to your Wiki
Apologies if this message is not in your language, ⧼Please help translate⧽ to your language.
This wiki will soon be able to use the inline audio player implemented by the Phonos extension. This is part of fulfilling a wishlist proposal of providing audio links that play on click.
With the inline audio player, you can add text-to-speech audio snippets to wiki pages by simply using a tag:
<phonos file="audio file" label="Listen"/>
The above tag will show the text next to a speaker icon, and clicking on it will play the audio instantly without taking you to another page. A common example where you can use this feature is in adding pronunciation to words as illustrated on the English Wiktionary below.
{{audio|en|En-uk-English.oga|Audio (UK)}}
Could become:
<phonos file="En-uk-English.oga" label="Audio (UK)"/>
The inline audio player will be available in your wiki in 2 weeks time; in the meantime, we would like you to read about the features and give us feedback or ask questions about it in this talk page.
Thank you!UOzurumba (WMF), on behalf of the Foundation's Language team
27 jul 2023 04:26 (CEST)
Review the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
bewerkenHello all,
I am pleased to share the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct work. The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) draft charter is now ready for your review.
The Enforcement Guidelines require a Building Committee form to draft a charter that outlines procedures and details for a global committee to be called the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). Over the past few months, the U4C Building Committee worked together as a group to discuss and draft the U4C charter. The U4C Building Committee welcomes feedback about the draft charter now through 22 September 2023. After that date, the U4C Building Committee will revise the charter as needed and a community vote will open shortly afterward.
Join the conversation during the conversation hours or on Meta-wiki.
RamzyM (WMF), on behalf of the U4C Building Committee, 28 aug 2023 17:35 (CEST)
== Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee ==
bewerkenYou can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
Meer talen • Help met het vertalen in uw taalHi everyone! The Affiliations Committee (AffCom), Ombuds commission (OC), and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for new members. These volunteer groups provide important structural and oversight support for the community and movement. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to apply. There is more information about the roles of the groups, the skills needed, and the opportunity to apply on the Meta-wiki page.
On behalf of the Committee Support team,
Review and comment on the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package
bewerkenDear all,
Please review and comment on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package from now until 29 October 2023. The selection rules package was based on older versions by the Elections Committee and will be used in the 2024 Board of Trustees selection. Providing your comments now will help them provide a smoother, better Board selection process. More on the Meta-wiki page.
Katie Chan
Chair of the Elections Committee
17 okt 2023 03:12 (CEST)
The Vector 2022 skin as the default in two weeks?
bewerkenRead this in your language • Help met het vertalen in uw taal • Please tell other users about these changes
Hello. I'm writing on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. In two weeks, we would like to make the Vector 2022 skin the default on this wiki.
If you prefer keeping the current skin select "Vector legacy (2010)" on the appearance tab of the global preferences and save the change. We encourage you to give the new skin a try, though.
Since I last came to you with this question, many things have changed. The skin is now the default on most Wikipedias, and all logos are done! We have also made some tweaks in the skin itself. Below is the text I've sent to you once, but I'm sending it again, just slightly edited, for those who haven't seen it.
If you know what this is about, jump straight to the section "Our plan":
It would become the default for all logged-out users, and also all logged-in users who currently use Vector legacy as a local (but not global) preference. Logged-in users can at any time switch to any other skin. No changes are expected for these skins.
- Top of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
- A section of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
About the skin
bewerken[Why is a change necessary] When the current default skin was created, it reflected the needs of the readers and editors as these were 14 years ago. Since then, new users have begun using the Internet and Wikimedia projects in different ways. The old Vector does not meet their needs.
[Objective] The objective for the Vector 2022 skin is to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users. It introduces a series of changes that aim to improve problems new and existing readers and editors were having with the old skin. It draws inspiration from previous user requests, the Community Wishlist Surveys, and gadgets and scripts. The work helped our code follow the standards and improve all other skins. The PHP code in the other available skins has been reduced by 75%. The project has also focused on making it easier to support gadgets and use APIs.
[Changes in a nutshell] The skin introduces changes that improve readability and usability. The new skin does not remove any functionality currently available on the Vector skin.
- The limited width and pin-able menus allow to adjust the interface to the screen size, and focus on editing or reading. Logged-in and logged-out users may use a toggle button to keep the full width, though.
- The sticky header makes it easier to find tools that editors use often. It decreases scrolling to the top of the page by 16%.
- The new table of contents makes it easier to navigate to different sections. Readers and editors jump to different sections of the page 50% more than with the old table of contents. It also looks a bit different on talk pages.
- The new search bar is easier to find and makes it easier to find the correct search result from the list. This increased the amount of searches started by 30% on the tested wikis.
- The skin does not negatively affect pageviews, edit rates, or account creation. There is evidence of increases in pageviews and account creation across partner communities.
[Customize this skin] It's possible to configure and personalize our changes. We support volunteers who create new gadgets and user scripts. Check out the repository for a list of currently available customizations and changes, or add your own.
Our plan
bewerkenIf no large concerns are raised, we plan on deploying on 31 October. If you'd like to ask our team anything, if you have questions, concerns, or additional thoughts, please comment in any language. If this is the first comment to my message, make sure to ping me. We will gladly answer! Also, check out our FAQ. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (overleg) 19 okt 2023 01:52 (CEST)
Logodiscussie op Meta-Wiki
bewerkenHoi. Een andere gebruiker heeft een nieuw logo voor Wikinews-projecten voorgesteld op Meta-Wiki. Heavy Water (overleg) 23 okt 2023 06:54 (CEST)
Update of license
bewerkenSome time ago there was a discussion on meta about how to implement the license update to CC BY-SA 4.0 on all wikis. See m:Meta:Babel/Archives/2023-06#Aftermath_of_ToU_updates.
Wikinews use the license CC BY 2.5. So it does not have the SA part and it is an older version.
I would like to ask why Wikinews does not follow WMF and most other wiki projects. Is there a good reason or is it simply because noone thought about updating the license?
Unless there is a good reason I suggest to update the license to follow WMF.
Perhaps someone can help find a better place for this message? --MGA73 (overleg) 10 dec 2023 14:11 (CET)
- There is a formal vote on English WN to change to the new license at en:Wikinews:Water_cooler/policy#Update_of_license.
- I hope you would use that opportunity to update license here too. --MGA73 (overleg) 15 dec 2023 14:16 (CET)