Interview met Jimbo Wales op 5 december 2005: verschil tussen versies

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→‎Wikinews: weer eentje vertaald
Regel 6:
; Wikinews schijnt vooral gericht te zijn op het herkauwen van dat wat al in de traditionele media wordt gezegd. Was dit de visie voor wikinews?
* [JWales] Ik zou niet de term "herkauwen" gebruiken, want dat klinkt negatief, liever gebruik ik "synthese", wat een meer subtiel en belangrijk process is. Dit was altijd de kernvisie voor wikinews, maar natuurlijk willen we nog veel meer doen in de toekomst.
; De wiki-beweging schijnen sterk gefocussed op locale expertise; mensen werken aan dingen waarin ze geinteresseerd zin, en waarin ze deskundig zijn. Waarom is er zo weinig lokaal nieuws op wikinews, waarvoor wikinews toch het best geschikt zou zijn?
* Wiki-aanpassen leeft van lokale kennis, maar "lokaal" in de epistemologische zin, niet noodzakelijk in de geografische zin. Bijvoorbeeld, persoonlijk weet ik veel meer over wereldnieuws over onderwerpen die mij interesseren, en kan veel beter synthetizeren in die onderwerpen, dan dat ik kennis heb over lokale politici waar ik woon.
; Gelooft u dat Wikinews, of enige van de Wiki projecten gezien kunnen worden als meritocracy?
; The wiki movements seem focused on local expertise; people work on things they are interested and expert in. Why is there very little local news on Wikinews, which it seems like it would be best qualified to produce? : [JWales] Wiki editing thrives on local knowledge, but 'local' in an epistemological sense, not necessarily in a geographical sense. For example, I personally know a lot more about world news on topics that interest me and could synthesize much better in those areas, than I know about local politicians where I live.
* Ik hoop van wel. Hoewel het soms lijkt alsof het wikiprocess meer inherent egalitarianisme en anarchy bevordert, er is een bepaalde zin waarin het wiki aanpassings-gereedschap neutraal is ten opzichte van sociale strukturen. Als we echt gaan kijken, is het wel degelijk zo dat users die werk doen van hoge kwaliteit uiteindelijk veel meer macht blijken te hebben dan users die slecht werk doen, dus in die zin, ja, het is een meritocracy, doch informeel.
; Do you believe that Wikinews, or any of the Wiki projects qualify as a meritocracy? : I hope so. :-) Although the wiki process sometimes strikes people as being inherently favoring egalitarianism or anarchy, there is a certain sense in which the wiki editing tool is neutral to social structures. As a matter of simple description, it does turn out that users who do quality work end up having a lot more power than users who do bad work. So in that sense, yes, it is a meritocracy, but an informal one.
; Current Events" is not "encyclopedic" enough to reside on Wikipedia! On many Wikipedia projects content have been moved to Wikibooks and Wikisource, shouldn't "Current Events" be transfered to Wikinews in the same way? : I have no very strong opinion about this. Encyclopedia articles about current events are in many ways different from news articles about current events. I suspect we should have some parallel work going on, and Wikinews should be more prominently featured in this way on the Wikipedia homepage. But that's a big internal community discussion that other people know more about than I do.
; When Wikinews was started a year ago, a need for new functions quickly appeared. Dynamic Page Lists are crucial to Wikinews and several other tools should be developed as they are asked for. The situation is similar on other projects (e.g. Wiktionary), maybe a plan for developing a project specific software package should precede the creation of new projects? : I do think we could do a better job of anticipating the software needs of new projects, but it is also important to understand that a lot of needs are not readily apparent a priori. Sometimes we have to try to do things for awhile before we really have an understanding of where the problem points are.
Regel 46:
: I am learning to speak German, so I do try to read German Wikipedia. And I do look at other languages, although of course I can't read anything there.
: What I do to try to be useful to other languages is communicate with people as much as I can, visit people in person as much as I can, and monitor the statistics pages to see what is going on.
== Bronnen ==